Women and Ordination in the Orthodox Church

This is a very specific book for a specific audience but I think for the most part it does a good job of going over the nuance of the conversation to be had around the topic.
For instance, we today often speak about "the sanctity of life," without realizing that this is in fact a pagan notion!
In view of the vehemence of Yokarinis's opposition to the idea that gender should play a role in selecting candidates for the priesthood and the exasperation often evident in his tone, his conclusion is refreshingly nuanced: nothing takes precedence over the tradition of the church. Changes in the practice of the church are a matter for councils, not for academic conferences.
Behr-Sigel's reason for pursuing the question of women in the church at all was the conviction that women in their femininity have distinct gifts, insights, and experiences that the church can and must take into account.